§DONE multi-version optional dependencies for PubGrub
Which as far as I can tell hasn’t been done before.
§PubGrub opam dependency provider
DONE json representation of opam repositories
using opam2json
DONE parse json representation to rust
using serde
TODO minimal example
done and MVP with integer versions, but the full ordering is complicated
DONE main.rs
TODO proper opam version parsing (a la Debian)
TODO conflicts
TODO boolean logic (package formula)
TODO features (optional dependencies)
TODO parse repo on the fly in the dependency provider
§TODO create babel-repository and babel-solver
§TODO explore error reporting in these exotic encodings
§what is the research advance here?
- tool to solve across ecosystems
- de-duplication between names
- evaluate the tooling
- need to evaluate against a base case, and justify that the problem exists
- could use the PubGrub formalism, though I think ours is slightly different
§TODO read up on answer set programming
https://pubgrub-rs-guide.pages.dev/internals/intro is a good starting point
§spoke to anil about bushel (the new static site generator)
had some interesting thoughts on using the at proto with capnroto capabilities to e.g. update dns records
§Spatial Name System
§Got capnproto compiling for an ESP chip with Josh (we think)
https://github.com/j0shmillar/esp-capnp-test need to test it with a simple RPC