§DONE PubGrub multi-version optional dependencies
§TODO reread file:2024-splash-hyperres-review.md
§TODO spatial DSL paragraphs for Roy
met with Roy and gave him the gist
§bidirectional lens
§uv PubGrub index
§uv toolchains - special cross compiling
§get rid of conflicts
§name fusing - 1 to n
home url
source archive many to many hashes
§download them all – find a backdoor
explore and splunk keep eyes open demons lurking in this
§Spatial Name System Sensor Networks
§TODO try capnproto esp32
§if that doesn’t work try ocaml-esp32 on ocaml 4
§if that doesn’t work try ocaml 5 for risc-v
§Spatial DLS ICFP functional perl
§TODO read [1]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_reactive_programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_programming
§TODO create a spatial DSL
afternoon write out a DSL cotrol lights DSL capnroto vs DNS
dsl walk lights effects capnproto
mocking stuff
embedded DSL in ocaml types spatial combinators functions apply together to make something bind and return
fiber programming and combinator
combitnons that can be combined
show how program home assistant
funtional DSL heart bigraphs space filling curves addressing
describes operations
specify desired states reactive programming functional reactive programming
§TODO read how froc works
reaction rules pattern match
start with direct style code
tomorrow and after syncthetic packages what next scope out problem write out thing.
spatial DSL spatial access DSL