§opam-repo maps
§TODO hyperres needs a file format
TODO get a JSON format, including version formula
opam formulas
variables as packages
boolean algebra represeted with disjuntions etc
I’m wrestling with the problem of expressivity of package managers.
What is representable in a SAT problem is consistent across package managers, but there are varying degrees of pre-processing in DSL in different ecosystems. For example, Debian has a pretty simple language for expressing dependency constraints, but Nix has the Nix DSL, opam has filters and variables. These are basically a way of expressing the constraint language with various degrees of pre-processing. It’s fine to unify the decision problem representations, but how can we unify the different package languages? Maybe we don’t need to.
§TODO hyperres needs a solver
zero install
we have a working zero install derived SAT-based solver
we see if we can get PubGrub working with opam / the babel file format
§TODO specific eval
docker hub top 10 mixed language dave
cross ecosystem package solving
show problem, find a few illustative projects
next gen mechanism for encoding things big
download and visualise, see what’s going on
babel: how solving? what is the reperestation?