Previous: Mon 26 Feb 2024
Next: Mon 18 Mar 2024
I reworked the EON project structure and Capnp Schema file too:
struct Record {
name @0 :Text;
type @1 :Int32;
value @2 :Text;
struct Prereq {
union {
exists @0 :Record;
existsData @1 :Record;
notExists @2 :Record;
nameInuse @3 :Record;
notnameInuse @4 :Record;
struct Update {
union {
add @0 :Record;
remove @1 :Record;
removeAll @2 :Record;
removeSingle @3 :Record;
struct CertReq {
# Used to request a certificate for a service
union {
callback @0 :CertCallback;
none @1 :Void;
interface Zone {
# Capability to initalize a Zone for which the nameserver is authorative
init @0 (name :Text) -> (domain :Domain);
interface Domain {
# Capability for a domain
getName @0 () -> (name :Text);
# Get the domain name
delegate @1 (subdomain :Text) -> (domain :Domain);
# Create a capability for a subdomain
update @2 (prereqs :List(Prereq), updates :List(Update)) -> ();
# DNS update
cert @3 (email: Text, org :Text, subdomain :Text, certCallback :CertCallback) -> ();
# Request a certificate for a domain ("") / wildcard domain "*"
interface CertCallback {
# Callback to support renewal
register @0 (success :Bool, error :Text, cert :Data, key :Text) -> ();
I had a think about what kind of API would make sense for service management and brainstormed:
struct Record {
name @0 :Text;
type @1 :Int32;
value @2 :Text;
struct Prereq {
union {
exists @0 :Record;
existsData @1 :Record;
notExists @2 :Record;
nameInuse @3 :Record;
notnameInuse @4 :Record;
struct Update {
union {
add @0 :Record;
remove @1 :Record;
removeAll @2 :Record;
removeSingle @3 :Record;
struct CertReq {
# Used to request a certificate for a service
union {
callback @0 :CertCallback;
none @1 :Void;
enum Proto {
tcp @0;
udp @1;
http3 @2;
struct Address {
union {
a @0 :Text;
aaaa @1 :Text;
bdaddr @2 :Text;
wifi @3 :Text;
lora @4 :Text;
dtmf @5 :Text;
struct HostInfo {
addresses @0 :List(Address);
arch @1 :Text;
location @2 :Text;
interface HostRegistration {
register @0 (info: HostInfo) -> (host :Host);
interface Process {
# from
stdout @0 () -> (data :Text);
stderr @1 () -> (data :Text);
stdin @2 (data :Text) -> ();
interface Host {
getInfo @0 () -> (info :HostInfo);
shell @1 () -> (process: Process);
interface Zone {
# Capability to initalize a Zone for which the nameserver is authorative
init @0 (name :Text) -> (domain :Domain);
interface Domain {
# Capability for a domain
getName @0 () -> (name :Text);
# Get the domain name
delegate @1 (subdomain :Text) -> (domain :Domain);
# Create a capability for a subdomain
update @2 (prereqs :List(Prereq), updates :List(Update)) -> ();
# DNS update
register @3 (
subdomain :Text,
port: UInt16,
proto :Proto,
host: Host,
certReq :CertReq
) -> ();
# Register a service at a subdomain
interface CertCallback {
# Callback to support renewal
register @0 (success :Bool, error :Text, cert :Data, key :Text) -> ();
Anil recommended I come up with some concrete use cases to inform the design of a minimal API.